Make a difference with your savings

Invest transparently in tangible, impact-driven activities.
Monitor your impact and returns. 
with diversified sectors.

Invest in impact projects and assets

erable° and WE DO GOOD offer a diverse range of impact investment solutions.

With models tailored to the development stage of each project, we enable you to invest in everything from startups to the expansion of established businesses, as well as assets and inventory.

Thanks to a targeted funding, you know precisely where the funds are going and how it enables the project to scale. 
A collection page on

Combining profitability potential with transparency

Based on a revenue-sharing model, you receive regular repayments tied to business sales, combined with traceability of your investment.
erable° secondary marketplace

Interact with your assets at any time

Consult your dashboards - Track the financial and extra-financial performance (environmental an social impact) of your investments in real time.
Claim your returns - Whenever you decide, you can recover your part of the project’s shared revenues.
erable° dashboards

Our brands

revenue-sharing on assets
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revenue-sharing on projects
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invest in decarbonization
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Discover projects and success stories

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Frequently asked questions

Check out our most common questions and their answer.


If you have further questions, contact us below.

How can I start investing?

What projects are being financed? How do you select them?

How does the revenue-sharing model function?

How is it different from other financial products? (stocks, bonds)

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